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What are the latest off-page SEO methods?

Solomon Thimothy has been helping small and medium businesses generate leads and acquire customers since 2006, focusing on strategies that drive exponential growth. His mission is to help businesses think bigger, scale faster, and achieve 10X success.

The reigning king of off-page SEO has been, and still is, link building. It's the most powerful off-page SEO method out there, and can significantly help your website.

Obviously, it's a highly competitive aspect of SEO, and is only becoming more so. This is why it's important to avoid any low-quality links and automation.

Here are some things to keep in mind when performing off-page SEO.

Engage in Content Marketing

One of the best ways to improve your link building practices is to perform content marketing. It's relatively inexpensive and it's highly effective.

Guest posting is a great content marketing strategy, and you can easily do it by going to industry-related blogs and submitting a post idea. The post can then contain a link back your website.

This way you not only expand your link network, but you can also shine as an authority in your industry and improve your reputation.

Be Patient

When it comes to off-page SEO results, patience is truly a virtue. Even if you've been building your links for months, you may not see the results you want for some time. This is particularly true if you're working with a new website and fresh links.

Experienced SEO experts understand that results take time to achieve, but the effort will be worth it. Algorithmic delays are intended to weed out bad links from good ones, but if you're on Google's good side, you'll see the benefits of this eventually.

For instance, if you build 300 high-quality links within a month, you won't likely see results for up to a year. Sometimes people are luckier than that, but you can't expect instant results.

Find Sites with Good Domain Authorities

When trying to build high-quality links, the key to success is to look for reputable domains. See how they rank for industry-relevant keywords, determine if they have a good social media presence, and go with the ones that perform well.

Be Cautious with PBNs

Private Blog Networks (PBNs) are popular, involving a network of private blogs that post content with links to a common website. This technique certainly still works, but you want to make sure you're writing good content and not simply spinning text or posting duplicate blogs.

Keeping these elements in mind can help you improve your off-page SEO, and boost your website. It's important to be patient and recognize that Google is a friend, not an enemy.