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3 Exercises to Get Your Website into Shape This Summer

A company’s website is the main gateway for customers to connect with them and learn about what they have to offer. There is no room for a weak website with broken links and outdated information that could potentially lose trust with visitors. Similar to how people need to stay in shape to function well, websites need the same treatment to keep them effective.

Here are three ways you can make sure your website is where it should be this summer.


1. Establish Periodic Review Dates

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Your website won’t stay up-to-date if you don’t give it the attention it needs from time to time. The best way to catch and address any potential problems with your website is to gather your team for a monthly or quarterly review of your website. Even if you don’t set up a meeting time, you should take a look at the information about your website to make sure it’s current, including phone numbers, addresses, and key staff. You should also check for broken links by clicking through hyperlinks on main pages.

Quarterly reviews can help you set and meet long-term goals, giving you the ability to learn more about competitors’ strategies that are working for them and determine how you can incorporate them in your own operations. Ask questions about your website such as: Is all of the information clear and comprehensive? Is anything potentially distracting? Is the website easy to navigate? You will want to address any of these aspects if there is any uncertainty.

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During quarterly meetings, you should take a good look at your analytics to see how your efforts are either working for or failing your site. Any weaknesses in click-through rates, lead conversions, KPI, and other metrics could hinder your business and indicate that there are certain aspects that you need to change. You can work with your staff to analyze each area of your website to determine what needs alterations and what’s still working for your business.

Ultimately, reviews will help you stay on top of your company and avoid stagnancy. You’ll know which aspects of your marketing efforts are working and which need more attention to optimize your business’s performance.

2. Eliminate Any Deadweight and Keep Your Website Simple

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The last thing you want for your website is a pile of complications that do nothing to help it. You should do what you can to eliminate any unnecessary elements on your website that slow it down, whether it’s a large amount of media that doesn’t need to be there or a blog you don’t have time to regularly update. In fact, if you’re more likely to update social media accounts with new posts on a consistent basis, you can make your Twitter or Facebook feeds serve as a replacement for blogs on your website.

You should also make sure you don’t assign tasks to staff or yourself that you can’t finish or believe may be difficult to complete within the expected amount of time. If you are overwhelmed with too much to do, you can easily lose track of all of your tasks, including the most important ones that should receive the most attention. Getting rid of the complications that can arise from too many tasks can allow you to experience less stress while getting more important things done in the time they need to get done. You can also use a task assigning platform to keep better track of things on your to-do list.

3. Cover Every Aspect Online When Making Big Chances to Your Business


If you’re thinking of the big picture when it comes to changes to your business, you should make sure you don’t get too wrapped up in the major change itself and pay close attention to your online presence. It can be easy for business owners who work at brick-and-mortar stores to neglect to make changes to their websites that reflect these changes. Unfortunately, this can keep much of your audience and potential customers in the dark about what your company has to offer.

Your online team can help keep your website and information about your company organized while you focus on the larger aspects of the business itself. When moving to a new location, staff can update the address on both your website and in local listings. You can also use your website to effectively promote new products and services that your business has to offer. Your online team can even develop new strategies to help you market new products and services to reach a larger target audience and bring in more leads.

Ultimately, paying close attention to your business’s online frontend can help ensure that you don’t suffer from lost sales and wasted time.

Keep Visitors Engaged and Informed with a Solid Website

With these three exercises in mind, you can maintain a website that draws the audiences you want to your business while sufficiently advertising current locations, products, and services to potential customers. You’ll be able to keep visitors fully informed while enticing them to turn to you for their needs.


Have any other suggestions to keep a website in prime condition? Let us know in the comments!