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Your B2B Marketing Checklist

Solomon Thimothy has been helping small and medium businesses generate leads and acquire customers since 2006, focusing on strategies that drive exponential growth. His mission is to help businesses think bigger, scale faster, and achieve 10X success.
  • B2B marketing checklist


  Sometimes it can be hard remembering all the B2B marketing strategies that need your attention daily. Which ones are the most helpful, timely and relevant? We’ve compiled a list some of the most important tips to remember this year for competitive marketing.

Updated keyword strategy

Have you seen a dip in your website traffic? Maybe it’s time you revisit your keyword strategy. What do you see as your biggest traffic-drivers? Keep those up. What’s only bringing in one or two clicks a month? Banish those keywords and start testing out new options; then, in a month or so, reevaluate.

Stay connected with clients

Sometimes it can be hard to be connected to a client 24/7, but no one is really expecting that of your business. A simple lunch meeting or phone call lets your clients know you actually care about their business.   Small business marketing especially has this advantage because their client list is smaller, allowing for more individual attention.

Remember mobile

Like B2C marketing, B2B marketing shouldn’t forget the power of mobile advertising. Smartphone and tablet  usage is consistently growing, so it only makes sense to consider advertising for not just computers, but these devices, too. Currently, the price of mobile ads is cheaper than web ads, so the sooner your business becomes involved in it, the better. Choose whatever ads you think would best work for your business—image or text—and monitor your results.

Don’t be afraid to try new things

Your methods may be tried-and-true, but that doesn’t mean something better isn’t out there. Is there a new form of social media that you’ve heard about but haven’t really experimented with yet? Now’s the time. Want to try the mobile advertising scene?  Try out those mobile ads then. Considering a new logo, website or SEO strategy? Take a chance on it—it may not be instantly successful, but you’ll never know unless you test the waters.

Fresh content

Businesses utilizing competitive marketing know that it’s not all about them—they need new voices every once in a while, and who better to provide them than guest bloggers in the field? They’re already familiar with how B2B marketing works, plus it helps you build relationships. Who knows? They may ask you to contribute to their blog, too, which will only increase awareness for your own company.   What staples are on your marketing checklist? Let us know in the comment section below or on our Facebook or Twitter pages.