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Five Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs PPC

Solomon Thimothy has been helping small and medium businesses generate leads and acquire customers since 2006, focusing on strategies that drive exponential growth. His mission is to help businesses think bigger, scale faster, and achieve 10X success.

Pay per click (PPC) has become a go-to marketing strategy, but there are still some smaller businesses that have not yet chosen to try it. Following are five reasons why you, as a small business owner, should explore this valuable marketing option.

    1. Your competition is there.
      If you are not advertising alongside your competition, they will get the sales you might have captured. Visibility is a powerful tool in today’s world of fast paced search, shop, and purchase.
    1. Your customers are there.
      There is a very good reason why your competition is allocating budget to PPC – your customers are shopping online. If you do not make yourself available where your customers are shopping, their hard earned dollars will go elsewhere.
    1. PPC is growing year over year.
      Each year, more consumers spend more dollars online. PPC is no longer considered a fad. It is here to stay, and shows no signs of slowing down. Your business model must grow with the times to make room in your budget for PPC.
    1. PPC is more accessible today than ever before.
      Your customers are shopping on the go via their smartphones and tablets. They are no longer tied to a desktop computer or even a laptop. Small hand-held devices with wi-fi capabilities are now commonplace and have turned impulse buying from a grab this to a click that.
    1. The cost of hiring PPC experts is within reach.
      If your concern has been that you don’t know how to manage a PPC campaign, worry no more. Some PPC agencies have realized the very important niche of the small business. They have set their rates affordably for businesses with smaller budgets like yours. For example, Clickxposure has PPC management packages that start as low as $200 per month. This includes expert handling of your campaign traffic up to spend of $1,000. These are numbers that other, perhaps larger, agencies won’t touch. And if a monthly investment of even $1,200 is a concern, look at that risk weighed against a new steady income stream. With a little time, patience, and investment, the right agency can grow your business beyond your greatest dreams.

Remember, your potential customers are not seeking you out like they used to. They are not buying a newspaper to clip your coupons, they are not waiting for your circular to land in their (snail) mailbox, and they are not waiting for precious time off to browse your brick and mortar shop. In today’s weakened economy, the best sale price and the quickest avenue to purchase is winning.

Agencies geared to small businesses make it easy for you to get your feet wet. So stick a toe in, the temperature is just right!

For more information about Clickxposure’s PPC packages, please follow this link.