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Realtors: Local SEO Matters!

Solomon Thimothy has been helping small and medium businesses generate leads and acquire customers since 2006, focusing on strategies that drive exponential growth. His mission is to help businesses think bigger, scale faster, and achieve 10X success.


In the real estate industry, the value of “location, location, location” is widely understood and appreciated. Two homes of equal square footage and identical style can significantly differ in price as a result of a simple change in location.

While you obviously understand that concept, do you value the idea of local SEO on the Internet? If not, you are making a grave mistake. As much as it matters when picking up a listing, marketing your services online is equally as important. Read up on the value of local SEO and discover what may be the missing ingredient.

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SEO for Realtors, Why Does it Matter?

Social media, PPC marketing initiatives and video marketing are all essential tools for any realtor’s marketing tool box. Adding localized SEO would, however, become the leader of this pack. Consider the following benefits of a local SEO campaign:

Exposure. The bottom line is, people cannot turn to you if they do not know you are there. Putting yourself or your firm out where you can be seen and contacted is essential.

Relevance. Is there possibly a more locale-oriented industry than real estate? Optimizing in general, and having a stellar site and social media presence is fabulous, but if homebuyers and sellers in other states are finding you, it really won’t matter. Optimizing locally and keeping your span of service clear will keep you relevant.

Client Trust.
Internet users trust the first page of Google. Showing up sooner adds credibility to the cause for potential home buyers and sellers, and thus a greater likelihood they will choose you.

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A local SEO campaign, geographically targeted to your area, is a winning idea if done correctly. There are important components that should escape oversight for best results.

Components to a Successful Realtor SEO Strategy

  • Google+ is an important staple of SEO. Google prefers to optimize websites that are attached to a Google+ page to keep everything tied up.
  • Ranking local, again, is the only way to ensure your Illinois real estate firm is not showing up all over the front page for home buyers in Utah.
  • Updated contact information ensures potential buyers and sellers are finding the real you. The Internet is vast, and many company and individual’s names look similar. Your proper address, phone number and social media tags will guarantee clients can cross reference and find you.

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SEO does not have to be daunting, but it is time consuming. Trusting a marketing professional can ease the demand.

Value in Outsourcing

Realtors do not build the homes, they sell them. They may not have the necessary skills and tools to design and construct a home the way they do to show and sell one. In short, they trust the professionals. Search engine optimization is no different. Many people believe that because the Internet is widely used, it is largely mastered; this is untrue.

Focus your energy on what you do best, and let us do the same. Less time spent trying to optimize your own website leaves you more time to meet with clients, research listings, and sell!