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Do You Know How Many People Call From Your Website? Here’s Why You Should!

Solomon Thimothy has been helping small and medium businesses generate leads and acquire customers since 2006, focusing on strategies that drive exponential growth. His mission is to help businesses think bigger, scale faster, and achieve 10X success.

Online marketing has you in a bind. You’re sure it’s valuable for your business, but you have no way to know how many sales leads are a direct result of your efforts. When you don’t know the origins of your inbound calls, you can’t accurately evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing—at least not completely.

Knowing where your hottest leads call from helps you to identify which of your marketing efforts are more effective. With this information to hand, you can refine your strategies and efficiently reach your sales goals. It’s for this reason that tracking your calls (whether they come from AdWords, organic web traffic, or even offline marketing) is important.

It’s easier than you think to get started. In this post, you’ll learn why tracking sales calls that originate from your website is important, then how to do so using the Clickx App. Don’t phone this one in—let’s get to work!


Key Takeaways

  1. Tracking the number of calls coming in from your website gives you invaluable data. This data is necessary to optimize for more sales calls.
  2. The Clickx App makes it easy to track and analyze calls that originate from your online marketing, all from one convenient dashboard.
  3. Choosing to prioritize desired visitor behavior helps to avoid potential design conflict between two campaigns. For example, not adequately balancing the advertisements to place a phone call and sign up to an email list may detract from both goals if they’re on the same page.

The Importance of Tracking Marketing Metrics

In a nutshell, marketing metrics are data points that help you evaluate the impact your marketing has on brand awareness and sales. These metrics enable you to refine and test your strategy over time.

[Tweet “Marketing metrics enable you to test and optimize your marketing strategy.”]

We’ve previously talked about many different types of metrics you should be paying attention to. For example, to understand whether your SEO efforts are paying off you need to know:

  • How many sessions and unique visitors your site has.
  • The number of people who leave your site almost immediately after landing on it.
  • How many pages people visit while on your site.

There’s also audience engagement, which can create an emotional bond that increases the chance of sales. You can roughly gauge audience engagement by looking at the number of comments on your blog posts, or how many people are mentioning you on their own sites.

However, without tracking any metrics, you have no way to judge whether your strategies are effective. Instead, your decisions would be based on random ideas rather than measured, quantifiable, and proven data.

Many metrics are simple enough to monitor with free analytics tools (such as Google Analytics), but what about your incoming phone calls? If your business relies on telephone sales leads, they should be a priority to understand and evaluate—after all, 78% of local search traffic performed on mobile phones leads to an offline purchase.

[Tweet “Local mobile searches usually lead to an offline purchase. Take advantage by encouraging calls.”]

Imagine if you could harness that kind of purchasing intent, and get customers to phone your business while they are in the neighborhood with money to burn! Let’s jump into how to do that, right now.

How to Track and Improve the Number of Calls Driven by Your Website

The Clickx App is an online tool that helps you track, measure, and manage your online marketing in one convenient place:

Clickx App Dashboard

However, the app goes far beyond run-of-the-mill traffic analytics. When you create your account with us, we also help you integrate phone call tracking that can be used with any of your marketing campaigns.

Armed with the information found in the Clickx App, you can optimize your website to increase the quantity and quality of those leads. Let’s see what tracking these calls looks like.

Using the Clickx App to Track Calls

Once you sign up, our team will implement phone tracking for you—and when your account is ready, you can use the Clickx App dashboard to view and filter those calls.

Within the app itself, you can access a veritable treasure trove of information. Firstly, log into your account and click on Call Analytics from the dashboard. Here, you can view the number of answered, unanswered, and canceled calls at a glance:

Clickx App tracking sales calls by status

From here, you can also retrieve the number of unique callers, and how many times they’ve called:

Clickx App: Viewing unique leads per day

If you need more details, you can investigate the details of any given call, and even listen to your call recordings for quality assurance, or to identify the types of calls being made:

Clickx App: View call details

You can also get information about the caller ID, caller name, campaign name, date of call, duration of the call, and call status.

Once you’re set up and the data starts pouring in, you’ll want to use this new information to bring in more sales calls. Let’s take a look at how to optimize for them.

Optimizing Your Website for More Calls

Of course, your goal is to grow your business and increase the number of leads coming in over the phone. To do this properly, you’ll need to be able to identify which words, images, and incentives drive the most calls, then implement them throughout the rest of your website and marketing.

Placing a strong Call To Action (CTA) on your website asking visitors to place a phone call is the first step. The first time around, you’ll be guessing about what might convince them to pick up the phone, but the number of calls coming in will let you know for sure. Try adding incentives to encourage them to pick up the phone. For example, you could offer free consultations, or discounts—both for first-time customers, and for your existing ones).

Once this is in place, you’ll want to step back and look at the other CTAs on your website. For example, if you’re also trying to drive email subscriptions, you may need to decide whether they’re more valuable than phone calls to your company, and adjust accordingly. Whichever you choose, the design should reflect your decision by placing visual emphasis on the relevant CTA. By forgoing this, you could cause a priority conflict within your design, reducing the effectiveness of both CTAs.

Finally, making sure users can click to call is another vital step. 88% of visitors are likely to contact you if you provide the functionality, so it’s worth considering. Google provides guidelines for adding this manually to your site, but WordPress users also have options too.


Neglecting to track the origins of your sales calls may lead you to inaccurately analyze the impact of your online marketing. If your business relies on phone calls to generate leads, you should consider tracking them on your website. This enables you to better optimize your CTAs to spur on more calls.

In this post, we’ve outlined the importance of tracking your telephone marketing metrics. You can kick-start this process by:

  1. Using the Clickx App to track and manage the calls coming in from your website.
  2. Optimizing your website to increase calls using the analytics provided.

How do you think call tracking could improve your online marketing? Let us know in the comments section below!