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What’s the State of Marketing in 2023? [Infographic]

Modern online marketing moves so quickly it often seems like if you look away for a second, you will miss something important. Although it may seem overwhelming at times, marketing is crucial for your success and the extent to which you can grow your business over time. Want to learn more about the sheer power of marketing?


Search engine optimization is perhaps the quickest evolving part of online marketing. Currently, Google reigns supreme in the search engine game with more than 70 percent of traffic. However, content marketing has changed the rules of the game. Longer posts—those reaching 1,500 words or more—get more views than shorter blogs. Don’t let the post length scare you away: Companies that blog still get 97 percent more links to their website. All of these elements work together to bolster your online marketing presence.

At the end of the day, marketing your business is all about getting a higher number of better quality leads. Tying a whole strategy together ensures you can reach the right people through the channels they already use. Learn more about the latest developments in online marketing in our infographic.

Marketing Stats Infographic 2016

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