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How to Track Lead Attribution for Online & Offline Conversions

Is it possible to quantify how your online marketing campaigns are affecting offline behaviors? As technology evolves, marketers are forced to be held more and more accountable for quantifying their efforts. The days of blindly dumping money into marketing or advertising with no visibility into the impact of that campaign are over. Today’s marketer is responsible for driving sales.


Google Analytics

Thanks to tools like Google analytics, we now know how many people are coming to our website every day, and more importantly, where they are coming from. It takes a lot of work to capture your prospect’s attention and intrigue them enough to bring them to your website. Today’s buyer is inundated with so many ads across so many platforms, it can be difficult to cut through the noise. Now imagine spending the time to research your competitors, identify areas of opportunity, develop a content strategy, implement paid ads across Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn, launch an email campaign, and still not understanding the impact of those campaigns. That would be frustrating…

The Problem with Conversion Tracking

Google Analytics will give you some insight into that information, but it typically will only go as far as traffic information. Unfortunately for us marketers, impressions and clicks don’t pay the bills. So how do we determine which campaigns are driving real ROI? If you have conversion tracking set up correctly within each of these tools, you will have some of this information. However, there are two issues that I have with measuring campaign success solely on conversions:

  1. You don’t know who that conversion is
  2. You don’t know what became of that conversion

Once again, conversions don’t pay the bills! What if we could understand what the quality of that conversion is, and where the prospect is within our sales process.

That’s where Clickx comes in. Clickx allows you to assign true attribution to these conversions, while at the same time, putting a face to the statistic.

Online Conversions

Which campaign drove the visitor? Which pages on your website did they visit? Which form prompted them to convert? Where are they currently in the sales process? Has the prospect returned to the website since they originally converted?

Until recently, these were all questions with unknown answers. If the marketing department has a quota for leads and sales just like the sales department, shouldn’t they have the answers? Clickx allows marketers to go deep in the sales process and empowers them to make educated business decisions about their next campaign.

Online Conversions Clickxx

Offline Conversions

Now that we’ve nailed down our attribution for online conversions, let’s talk about offline conversions. The reality is, not every business is in the eCommerce space. Specifically, in the B2B world, the majority of sales are done offline. In fact, much of the sales process happens offline. How do we understand how our online marketing efforts are affecting offline purchasing behavior? What if the majority of our leads come in via phone call, and nor form submission? At Clickx, we have developed a unique solution for just this!

Offline Conversions Clickx

Call Log Contacts on Clickx

The Clickx platform actually allows you to track inbound phone calls both at the campaign level and at the lead level. Not only will you be able to determine that your recent Facebook campaign generated 15 new phone calls, you will know who those callers were, what they said, and what the outcome of the call was.

Call Information

Bringing It All Together

As I mentioned in the beginning of this post, the days of blindly dumping money into a TV commercial, radio ad, or billboard and hoping for the best are over. However, that doesn’t mean that company’s advertising budgets are shrinking. In fact, it’s quite the opposite! Today’s consumer is more distracted than ever, multiple screens and multiple channels can overwhelm both marketers and consumers. In order for us marketers to keep our brand in front of the prospect, we have to invest into multiple channels. The only way to maximize that ad spend across multiple channels is to truly understand which channels are driving ROI, and which are not. Clickx allows you to eliminate the “black box” that has been associated with marketing for so many years. Once you eliminate that “black box” you are able maximize your marketing budget and scale your efforts to reach your growth goals.